Credits and Thanks

Lorne extends his warmest thanks to all of these exemplary artists and producers with whom he's had the immense pleasure of collaborating:

Howard Goldberg
An award winning editor and filmmaker. Howard and Lorne first met on the production of Marat Sade. Howard created the amazing video montage sequences that filled more than 32 monitors and integrated tightly with the live action. Lorne and Howard co-directed the award winning commercial CHAGALL and collaborated on the Videotours series of short documentaries for Télé-Québec. They are presently collaborating on a new project entitled The Life Cycle.

Intuitive Pictures
Independent production company headed by the inexhaustible Ina Fitchman, dedicated to original documentaries and Youth programming. She produced La Quete and Active-Toi!

Produced Press One to Connect

Produced eLove.

Gilles Maheu
Founder of Les Enfants du Paradis. Together with Gilles, Lorne and a small group of actors founded Carbone 14. He worked in close collaboration with Gilles for over 10 years at Carbone 14, creating and directing his own work, co-creating and co-directing collective creations in collaboration with Gilles and performing in Maheu's creations.

Carbone 14
Theatre company produced Lorne's works: Nature Morte, Vies Privées, Tenue de Ville, Pain Blanc, Le Titanic (collective creation), Marat Sade, Opium

The late Jean Claude Lauzon
Regrettably Jean Claude passed away in a plane crash in the prime of his burgeoning directorial career. A vital and talented personality, Jean Claude was the first director to give Lorne a film role and encouraged him to take up film and television directing.

Roger Frappier
Highly respected film producer. He expertly helmed Jean Claude Lauzon's first feature film Un Zoo La Nuit. It is with gratitude and appreciation that Lorne thanks him for hiring him to play in his first film role.
David Piltch
Bass player extraodinaire, David composed and performed the music for Vies Privees, Marat Sade and scored Lorne's film Press One to Connect.

Cine Qua Non films
Independant production company founded by Micheal Ouelette with a rare concern for the diffusion of cultural and art documentaries. Produced Requiem for Fanny.

Jean Louis Coté
Producer and director, a vital presence and very competent director.

Marc Charlebois
DOP on Requiem For Fanny.

Barry Gravel
DOP on a number of Lorne's commercials.

Yves Belanger
DOP on a number of Lorne's commercials.